Craft Hope Update and New Projects

Back in February, my Saturday crafty group of friends made 10 delivery kits to send to Konbit Sante as part of Craft Hope‘s Project 11.  Craft Hope recently posted an update that showed all the boxes in the Konbit Sante warehouse of the 2,510 delivery kits that were received and will soon be making their way to Haiti to save the lives of mamas and babies.  Check out the amazing-ness of all of those boxes!  I am so proud to have been able to be a part of such an effort.  But, it doesn’t end there!

Craft Hope recently announced Project 12 which is to make handmade bracelets for orphans in Russia.  Then, due to the recent tornadoes in the South, they also announced a Project 13 which is to provide blankets to survivors of the tornadoes.  Join in!  The deadline for both projects is June 15th, and all the details can be found on the Craft Hope website.

Grain and Grain

If anyone is interested in what the hubby does while I am busy sewing and crafting, you can check out his new blog over at Grain & Grain.  He is usually busy being “crafty” himself with his man-adventures.  These adventures are good enough to provide me with furniture and adult beverages.  Win!  Title of the blog comes from his main hobbies which are grain=beer making and grain=wood working.

The Daily Blog

I’m a bit of a compulsive web searcher. My friends email me questions that I don’t have answers to because they know I can find out more information in a 10 minute Google search then they can if they searched all day. Or maybe they just figure that it’s quicker to ask me….I’m not sure if this is a ‘talent’ I should be letting people know that I have. In any case, I love to read crafty blogs too, which is all part and parcel of the whole compulsive web searching thing. Finding a new blog can be very “six degrees of separation”-ish. I follow a link here to this other place, read some things, follow another link, and another link, and voila,…I’m somewhere new and cool!

So, I ran across a blog today that I hadn’t seen before. HOW had I not seen this blog?! It’s awesome! Lollychops. Papercrafting, sewing, food, fun free downloads and giveaways. She even has the most adorable bird banner! Birds are great. I totally want to make her Wendy the Bird stuffed little birdie pattern. Check it out. Okay, I need to stop reading blogs and work on that birthday crown for the swap that I keep talking about. It’s almost done! And the little embroidery work I did on it turned out super-cute. I will share once it’s completed. Which needs to be soon because it has to be mailed out sometime in the next week or so.

Wee Folk Art Crafting Circle

Some friends of mine have started a new craft blog called Wee Folk Art. They are going to be having a monthly crafting circle where they share a free pattern, and participants make and share the item. Then at the end of the month there will be a drawing for a free crafting kit. Doesn’t that sound like fun!? This is the first month, and the pattern is for something called a Nubbie Doll. It’s a little doll modeled after handkerchief dolls. Looks not too difficult, and it will be fun to see everyone’s different interpretations of the pattern. You have to become a member of their blog to see the pattern, which is free. Check it out! I’m looking forward to making some of these as baby gifts.

Reversible Bird Seed Skirt GIVEAWAY!!!!

Reverisble Bird Seed Skirt GIVEAWAY!!!!

Grosgrain is having an awesome giveaway this week. How cute is this reversible skirt??? I have this Alexander Henry bird seed fabric in pink. I might have to try to make a similar skirt. I have no idea how to make a little girl’s skirt, and I don’t have any little girls myself to wear it, but I’ve got some nieces who would love it, I’m sure! I’ll just have to add it to my very long “crafty inspiration” list.

Freezer Paper Stencils and Happy 4th!

I have been wanting to make freezer paper stenciled shirts for the boys for awhile, but it’s just been on the “list”. I think I read about them first on Soulemama’s blog, or maybe it was somewhere else, I’m not sure. In any case, Laura at My Montessori Journey has been on a Freezer Paper Stenciling kick this week, and her shirts for her boys look so adorable! I’ve been motivated and inspired.

We had friends visiting us for the Fourth of July today. Took them to our town’s 4th of July parade, ate yummy homemade baked beans and smoked chicken, played outside on a gorgeous, sunny, 75 degree day, etc. It was wonderful. A perfect “summer in Maine” day. We also had the opportunity to sit down and go through our camping list as we are going camping with them next weekend. Four boys at a campsite in northern Maine next to a lake. What more can a little boy dream of?

How about matching freezer paper stenciled shirts? (Okay, probably not what they are dreaming of, but I’m sure they will love them.) Since we are going to northern Maine, I decided to make black bears. No worries, you know I will share how they turn out! I think I am going to use this clip art as my stencil template. It’s from Karen’s Whimsy.

I am so weak

Remember that Ginger Blossom fabric that I have been coveting? Well, has an anniversary coupon out for 20% off your entire order and they just got a new shipment of Ginger Blossom in. (Coupon is APRIL2004 and valid until Monday, April 7th at midnight EDT.) They are selling a bundle of 14 different prints, half yards. I was going to ignore the coupon until I made the mistake of reading Sandi Henderson’s blog where she mentioned it in relation to “Ginger Blossom in stock!” At least I had some Paypal to offset it a bit! I also got a half yard of Irish linen. I’m going to try using that for some embroidery. I think it will look beautiful! And I also got some fun retro robot fabric. Not sure what I’m going to do with it, but it’s adorable! I’m thinking maybe some applique t-shirts for the boys. At least I restrained myself from purchasing any of the Amy Butler fabric. They have the new Midwest Modern in stock.

Okay need to stop buying fabric and start using up fabric that I already own. Off to finish some super hero capes for my friend using Puking Pastille’s tutorial.